Leona Lewis - Run
At least 1/6 have tendered, and 99% (my 'survey') thought of resigning.
It kind of got me thinking heading straight to such big Firm on a first job is a REAL BAD idea.
Some much of fretting even on first couple of months, the never ending compiling workloads (REALLY NEVER!), they never stopped piling and pending, juggling obligations from every aspects, the more and more and MORE pressure you hammered yourself with, just so to keep up to level, only to be on par of ‘expectation’. Outperform... seemed to be so distant. Seeing smartER people to even start leaving is really not helping. I can never imagined how these people managed to make it up to Partner level, geez.. do they have like 30 hours a day or what? Salute.
I thought I was in worst case working on Saturdays, until a colleague has to work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day (not just for weeks..) with the audit team. That’s officially married to the Client, not PwC.
It's like, 'I like you but is not given chances to deliver my effort.' How lar?
I'd be so impressed of myself if another 3 years and I'm still part of the firm. HAHA.