Tuesday, May 20, 2008

feeling insignificant

friends from UWE already start burning or recycling their notes,
Nottingham side start looking for part time income,
MMU's final exam is almost coming to an end as well.
and what i'm gonna see next is everyone posting up their holiday photos in any way that is possible, to make people LIKE ME jealous. >_<

i'm excited, to be like them.
soon, i'll be working. something not very fun.
but i'm looking forward to it.
i wanna know what working people think, sick of getting those
"you're still a student you won't understand one lar.."
ok screw that.
yayaya.. make full use of it for 1 month from now, and effing, stop it.

to love, be loved?
i want both, equally.
and yes, i already have.

but.. this isn't the way i want it to be........ :(

i've never craved for attention,
like now.

weekend was a nice one. glad that last minute decision made.
else would have missed out a whole lot.
i don't understand people who doesn't like to go HOME.
yea busy people. maybe that's me in the future.

but one thing, i nearly got melted at malacca after 3 days.
the weather, insanely panas (HOT HOT HOT)!
too panas until..
"jom.. gym!"
"thank you. i'm at mp, blowing aircon!"

"lunch bb foodcourt"
"very hot lar...see first"

everyone's complaining.
despite the sizzling weather, the people as beautiful as usual :)
posted by sue's at 9:33 PM, |