Wednesday, July 18, 2007

never ending insomnia.

class was good today. meeting all those faces simply reminded me of those days in the library. haa.. not that bad afterall. :) and many whom i probably not gonna see again in life, like willy etc, can't believe i'm already a last year degree holder. and i've never shifted ever since i was here, unlike many of my friends who've been nomad-ing. this room makes me sick. i wanna get my ass off of here.

i wish time could pass faster now. i wanna get busy and not doing nothing like now, wasting every single second thinking of godknowswhat. i wanna study. i wanna get that goddamntextbook which costs $380 so that i can study my taxation law. i wanna study. i wanna graduate asap. i wanna study. i wanna get busy with life. i so wannna get out of this place, and work.. oh ya, i've made up my mind having 4 papers. hence i'm gonna be earning BIG bucks by end of next year. yea man. it's happening!

i'm darn bored and it gets me emo easily. damnit i have to leave soon. turning 21st is so sexy and am so excited about it. gonna be skipping friday's class and going home tomorrow. it's good.. it's good.. i'm so getting my sexy KEY!

don't you ever want to save that few bucks you better wish me! yea YOU!

*awaiting for the bf's arrival*
posted by sue's at 1:53 PM, |


  At November 11, 2008 at 10:20 AM Anonymous Anonymous said:
This is great info to know.