Tuesday, July 17, 2007

july goodbye.

friends are leaving one by one this whole week. man this is so sad! cause i'm not..... :(

attended the first class of the sem and realised how many have left for Sydney. this is so gonna be another sucky sem. and speaking of how people will be celebrating and not having the 'oh man..class starts again' mood, now i'm effing confused whether to take 4 papers and study like a dog again and worry of failing every other night, or just 3 and grad later while everyone gets to enjoy thier ass off. damn. this is so hard. HOW? HOW? HOW? HOW?


sent the bestest kawan baik off today. i think i've been visiting KLIA quite frequent these recent years. brother, sister, boyfriend, and bestie. hate sending people off. :(
happy meal with happy faces.

see you in a year hun :)


insomnia strikes, again.
posted by sue's at 2:31 AM, |