Sunday, July 1, 2007

i want...

satay celup

cili padi mi fen.


i missed the bbq.
so how was the bbq?
it was a blast.



anyway i've already got 2 (i consider 2) birthday pressie :D how sweet.. thank you jamielimpeiting (if you're reading this, THANKS! :) ) and ayachuagueyling (i know you're reading, THANKS for being so 'geh siao' :p)

im coming back! transformer tomorrow? i've got NO curfew! YAY.......... but.. monday. turn off betul.
am so craving for cili padi mi fen don't know why.
cili padi mi fen
cili padi mi fen
cili padi mi fen
cili padi mi fen
cili padi mi fen.....

posted by sue's at 7:03 AM, |