Tuesday, August 21, 2007

thanks for the memories.

i knew i totally lost you this time. regret, but will take it as it is. just so you know, in me you'll always be. you're the best thing ever happened that no texts could describe. thanks for the 2 wonderful years as well as an awesome boyfriend you've made. sorry for me not even being a good girlfriend, sorry for holding you so tight and letting you go without much of your considerations, sorry for all the mistakes and hurting you again and again, SORRY BABY. i wish to have you longer but we both know it will end up the same. I LOVE YOU is all i want you to know. the tears just won't stop like how it rained for the whole day. i will be alright to stand alone.. give me some time. i owe you.

oh btw, happy 2 years and 2 months anniversary, baby. (just assume i said this 2 days ago..)

one of our very first...

and one of the very last.

take care and goodbye my love.
i love you
i really do..
wish i could kiss you goodbye...

posted by sue's at 5:32 AM, |


darlingggg *hugs u*

  At August 21, 2007 at 12:54 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
only time will make it go away. be strong and the same thing u said to me 1 months ago.. i'll be here for u.. *hugs*

Be strong!

Am here anytime u need me.

That's an experience, gal. I know u can handle it well cos u're strong! and urs babies always be here for u!

:) *love*
thanks girls..
just that things got kinda fucked up now cz got exam next week. cant really study. will do my best.
  At August 21, 2007 at 11:25 PM Anonymous Anonymous said:
time will NEVER make it go away but you can. time just sucks all the fun out of you through signs of aging like wrinkles and saggy breasts. blame gravity too.

and dont blame me for being too harsh but exams most likely determine your future and sulking over a breakup merely darken your life with a sad past that would most probably not change no matter how sad u are.

so, study. better still, JUST keep studying, like how some idiots get addicted to chocolate when they break up. channel your addiction to your studies and forget about everything for now. (aya, now u know why i always study lol kiddin.)

last but not least, i do give hugs, im not that mean a bitch. so, hugs.

p/s i have pretty broad shoulders.
i agree with blake. keep that as a beautiful memory , move on.:)
thanks bois..
will study no worries. never failed n will never failed.
