Tuesday, January 1, 2008

new beginning.

hello people hello 2000000008!

how was it how was it how was it?
how was your last day of 2007?
mine was near beautiful :)
awesome night with the loved ones and some funny people at Laundry Bar.

BYE BYE 2007! i don't quite like you :)

hope you guys had a blast too wherever you where at.

wishing all of you people to have a wonderful year ahead.
and i bet, 2008 will be better for many of you.
definitely for me!

new year new resolution new aim!

this quote somehow makes me feel better.
it's like a totally new beginning for everything,
push me to a newer level where i don't stick to the same old shit anymore.

2007 was not too good for me afterall.
ok ya ya, it's already 2008 :D

and for peeps back at malacca, know you guys been wanting me to be back there. sorry for not making it up, for some reason.
will catch up with you all as soon as i get back aight.. *hugs*

pictures laters.

again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to MELVIN, YINRU, and whoever i've forgotten.
i was at laundry celebrating for you guys! hee..

7am, 010108.
*sign off, for psp bomberman!!*

hahaha... aya's fault!
posted by sue's at 6:08 AM, |